Siriraj doctors warn of 5 dangerous massage points: If you massage too hard, your life will change if you massage incorrectly.

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Nowadays, massage is very popular. The Siriraj Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Page has revealed a clip of 5 dangerous massage points with the following details. Nowadays, massage is very popular . Ajarn Thanaphak Chaowapiraphong, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Institute, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, has revealed information about 5 dangerous massage points as follows.

Siriraj doctors warn of 5 dangerous massage points: If you massage too hard, your life will change if you massage incorrectly.

In general, massage involves pressing various points on the body. The points on the body that we should be especially careful of are as follows:

1. Temples The joints of the bones are not very strong. The muscles covering the head are not very thick. If pressed too hard, it can cause injury.

2. Neck There are large arteries that supply blood to the brain. If we press on that blood vessel for a long time, it may cause insufficient blood to the brain and may cause unconsciousness or fainting.

3. Armpit There are many nerves that supply the arm. If we press too hard, it may cause injury to the nerves in that area. It will result in numbness and weakness in the arm.

4. Abdomen It is an important part of the body because inside the abdomen there are various organs and blood vessels. If we press too hard, it may cause abdominal pain. In patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm, the abdomen should not be pressed because the blood vessel may rupture.

5. Twisting massage Twisting massage must be done with caution, especially in the elderly and those with bone disorders such as osteoporosis or bone cancer. If we twist too hard, it may cause the bone to break.